when you love someone | Teen Ink

when you love someone

June 5, 2011
By madman2127 BRONZE, Owensboro, Kentucky
madman2127 BRONZE, Owensboro, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"feed a man a fish, you save him for a day; teach a man to fish, you save him a lifetime"

the first thing that i see in the morning, is your ever-loving face, you make a man do crazy things, and getting you on the chase,

you shine more then the sun on a sunny day, and beautiful as the moon in the sky, babygirl your the best in my world, you make my heart have wings and fly

i can't express these words, unless its expressed with love, my soul is your guardian angel, that looks from above

so i say to you girl, i feel like you are the one, you keep my soul on fire, and drive my mind on the run

baby ukeep me goin, and what i say to you is true, baby-baby, i love you

The author's comments:
i worte this on a time of when i just wanna express myself, and wanna show people that imma lover, not a fighter. my heart is big and i want it to say big and alive for love to spread

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