You and Me | Teen Ink

You and Me

June 5, 2011
By cep369 BRONZE, Sharon, Massachusetts
cep369 BRONZE, Sharon, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind"

Raindrops trickle down the window sill
I stare outside and soon become ill
The world around grows dark and colder
And people around start to grow older
There's nothing left here for me without you

Soothing sounds no longer settle
Feelings bubble, about to blow like a kettle
Slowly steaming away
With each passing day
How much of what you say can be true?

But I'll catch up to things that
Bounce off the back burner
And wish things away
Like a modern day yearner
Throw my hands in the air
Roll down the window and let down
My hair
Scream towards the sky
And let my problems fly
Leap before I look
And hope i don't die

Pushed into the corner like
A wallflower
Stripped of my stem and all my will
Sunlight can no longer feed this
Desire to take me to places much

Come and bring me peace and mind
To allow me to be ever kind
Instead of filled with spite and hate
For people who won't appreciate
Impossible situations and they can't see
How there arrogance stresses me

But I'll catch up to things that
Bounce off the back burner
And wish things away
Like a modern day yearner
Throw my hands in the air
Roll down the window and let down
My hair
Scream towards the sky
And let my problems fly
Leap before I look
And hope I don't die

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