Hold The Key | Teen Ink

Hold The Key

May 9, 2011
By Anonymous

You beat me black and blue,
you cut me deep in my wound,
you crack my tunes,
turn them into dangerous lines,
you keep me locked away,
in this dark cave,
my heart locked by ice,
"you hold the key",
no one can break the chains,
what more can you do?
People talk to me,
I'm scared to look,
what are they going to say?
I'm scared to talk back,
what would I say?
they see the bruises the scars,
but my words never come out,
I'm afraid...
I wish I was invisible,
what would it matter anyway?
You would only miss,
beating me black and blue,
cracking my tunes,
So what would the problem be?
If I sacrificed my tunes?
After all you hold the key,
I cannot see,
you paint a mask,
on my life,
everyone cannot see,
that your beating me black and blue...

The author's comments:
"This is someone who is beating me inside out, he is always talking to me with cold fierce words, always hurting me. Some people notice, but I cannot talk; I am afraid he will hurt me worse. And he paints a mask on me so no one can see that he is beating me black and blue. And I wish I could go invisible from this life time; then maybe he can't hurt me anymore..."

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jan. 9 2012 at 8:10 am
SuNshiNe007 ELITE, Magee Ms., Mississippi
120 articles 0 photos 306 comments

Favorite Quote:
Never Give Up, And Know That God Will Always Love You!

I'm Getting this poem published in a book!!!!I entered a contest and now im going to the finals! Its my 2nd poem published in a book. And I am so happy!!!!!:D