You Are The One | Teen Ink

You Are The One

June 20, 2011
By Cody_Crljen BRONZE, Signal Hill, California
Cody_Crljen BRONZE, Signal Hill, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
A spoonful of Jimmy makes the whole world go down.<br /> R.I.P. The Rev. :(

Ever since the day I met you, I knew I would never forget you. I always felt something else, something to hold onto till I found out why. You shined like you were, the lighting in the storm.

Because you are the one I've always cared for, and you are the one who brought me happiness to my core. God bless you, for being the one you are...

Now time has passed and we've become the best of friends, and I know we'll remain that way until we've come to our end, girl you mean sooo much... sooo much to me..

Because you are the one I've always cared for, and you are the one who brought happiness to my core. God bless you, for being the one you are,... the one, who means soo much to me.

The author's comments:
I used core as a synonym for heart to keep the flow of this song.
Also I wrote this to all those in a relationship who want to express love to one another.

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