Write My Way Out | Teen Ink

Write My Way Out

July 25, 2011
By WriteRightForYourLife SILVER, Santa Rosa, California
WriteRightForYourLife SILVER, Santa Rosa, California
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

All this hate. don’t come a second to late. I’m losing my self more and more each day. I make people think I’ve got it all figured out, but the truth is I don’t know who I am anymore, these doors are closing right in front of my eyes, as my life shoots on by. Trying to get back up from the ground, but I just keep falling down, my only way out of this mess I’ve made is to write it all down, find the melody that goes to my sound, create the music that will lead the way back to the starting line, so I can try again with a whole new rhyme

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