Unicorns and Awkward People | Teen Ink

Unicorns and Awkward People

August 9, 2011
By RebbecaAnn BRONZE, Woodburn, Oregon
RebbecaAnn BRONZE, Woodburn, Oregon
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;You can&#039;t disguise a heart while it&#039;s breaking<br /> You hide behind the smile you&#039;re faking<br /> It&#039;s all about the the chance you&#039;re taking<br /> Oh, and you know that you&#039;re making it all come alive&quot;<br /> &quot;Ich werde mich meine Boden und Kampf f&uuml;r meine &Uuml;berzeugu

Big green eyes and smiles too bright, you don't see the darker side. Anger simmers boils over now I will scream.

Baby you don't see, see what's killing me. I need your help, please don't let go! Hold me here and kiss my lips. I need to keep, keep breathing and my head held high. Take the gun from me. I don't want to go, go away from here. Now is the time to scream it loud when no one, no one makes a sound.

Big blue eyes and smiles too fake. You don't see, see the worst part of me. Anger simmers boils over. It's time for me to scream.

You say you want to know who I am. You wont, wont take the chance. You claim to be a man, but men do not run from love! I simply do not understand.

You want to see, see the me, that no one chooses to believe. Try to take the chance, the chance to let me in. Take my hand. You want to see, see the me, that no one chooses to believe. Try to take the chance, the chance to let me in. Take my hand

Big brown eyes and quiet skies, you will know the me you never wanted to see. Anger simmered boiled over, now I'm going to pull the trigger.

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