Tombstone Of Angelic Memories | Teen Ink

Tombstone Of Angelic Memories

August 13, 2011
By MargoMacero BRONZE, Queensbury, New York
MargoMacero BRONZE, Queensbury, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I've sold my soul for freedom, it's lonely but it's sweet. - Melissa Etheridge

Lady tombstone,
I’ve never been much of a Christian child
Words of the wise I’ve endeared for a while
I fancy in mornings of simple tiles
That made up reality of violet viols

And lady tombstone,
It was never until I deferred a dream
Life proposed love in elastic beams
Driving madness through a heart asleep
That made up reality of musical seeds

To my tombstone to be,
Too stoned of angelic memories

Oh lady tombstone,
I Sin days and days as a joker in rhyme
I’ll grant you my harvest, maybe a line
As I plead to meet pearls, I’ll sell you lies
Capturing minds to innovate light

To my tombstone to be,
Too stoned of angelic memories

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