The Actor | Teen Ink

The Actor

January 3, 2012
By Spontaneity BRONZE, Carrollton, Texas
Spontaneity BRONZE, Carrollton, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Becoming is better than being.

Bright blues, pale face
Filled with dreams, full of storms
A true contradiction,
Was your conviction,
A true Thespian, through and through.

But now you’re gone,
Is this all in store?
For love that could have been,
Is nevermore

I laughed, and so did you
In that park, where the sun never set
We both agreed that our needs were met,
And we were happy, me and you

But now we’re gone,
Is this all in store?
For love that could have been,
Is nevermore

His rough hands now cover yours,
Holding your dreams, shielding your storms
You say the show must go on,
But at last, I’ve seen the light,
You’re my queen, but I’m not your pawn.

But now I’m gone,
The love that should have been,
Is nevermore

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