Storybook | Teen Ink


January 12, 2012
By KillJoy SILVER, Newport, North Carolina
KillJoy SILVER, Newport, North Carolina
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;The question that drives me hazy: am I or others crazy?&quot; - Albert Einstien<br /> &quot;Life is not lost my dying. It is lost minute by minute, day by dragging day, in all the small, thousand uncaring ways.&quot; - Winstin Churchill

Stay with me tonight
Let's watch the stars shine bright

You held my hand, I blush
I seem just fine
But inside I'm twisting
I'm tumbling
Im in a thrill I can't escape from

If we're in a story
Then you're just in time
Against the world
We're staning side by side
Turn a page
I'm lost again
If we're in a story
Then I'll save the part I'm in
Where we don't wanna say goodnight
Not this time

You're standing there, I stare
Then look back down
Cause you made me lose
My train of thought
I'll stay in love with this thrillride

If we're in a story
Then you're just in time
Against the world
We're staning side by side
Turn a page
I'm lost again
If we're in a story
Then I'll save the part I'm in
Where we don't wanna say goodnight
Not this time

Stay with me tonight
You're here with me
I'm here with you
It was written this way
Let's watch the stars shine bright
Smile at me, I can feel it too
Don't end it now, Don't close it now

If we're in a story
Then you're just in time
Against the world
We're staning side by side
Turn a page
I'm lost again
If we're in a story
Then I'll save the part I'm in
Where we don't wanna say goodnight
Not this time

If we're in a story
Then you're just in time
Against the world
We're staning side by side
Turn a page
I'm lost again
If we're in a story
Then I'll save the part I'm in
Where we don't wanna say goodnight
Not this time

If we're in a story
Then I'll save the part I'm in

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