Love Games | Teen Ink

Love Games

February 16, 2012
By JamesVanity SILVER, Clarksdale, Mississippi
JamesVanity SILVER, Clarksdale, Mississippi
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I am me. Nothing less, nothing more. Deal with it...

Is it okay if I love you?
and you'd never know
keep my distance
and follow your soul
your love, I'm it's next victim
consuming my body
there's no where to go
I'm your secret admirer
and you'll never know

Love is a child (just a child)
with its dark games
and twisted mind
it put me under your spell
locking me in my cell
it's cold and cruel
you'll never love me back
like a flame frozen in stone
you could be my lover
but it's my time to go

Is it okay if I love you?
and you'd never know
keep my distance
and follow your soul
I'm your next victim
consuming my insides
there's no place to hide
I'm your secret admirer
and you'll never know

Unwrapping my skin
I feel so alive
fill my veins with Love's poison
I'm ready to die
here to fill your needs
do whatever you please
take off your mask
live in my fantasy
its all you'll have
from the moon to a raging sea

Did I enjoy myself?
when your eyes dragged my to hell
whatever happens to me
I don't care
did I enjoy myself?
when your eyes saw through my disguise
whatever happens to me
I don't care

Is it okay if I love you?
and you'd never know
keep my distance
and follow your soul
your love, I'm its next victim
it's taking control
consuming my body
there's no where to go
I'm your secret admirer
and you'll never know

Like a black rose in the rain

Is it okay if I love to you?
and you'd never know
keep my distance
and follow your soul
I'm your next victim
consuming my insides
there's no place to hide
I'm you secret admirer
and you already know

The author's comments:
Inspired by the bands Breathe Carolina & Paramore. My dream is they see this song, fall in love with it, and collaborate together on it. Please let my dream come true.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Feb. 27 2012 at 1:58 pm
M2coolTodd PLATINUM, Clarksdale, Mississippi
32 articles 0 photos 17 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot; A day without laughter, is a day wasted.&quot;<br /> &quot; Embrace your awesomeness!&quot;

this is great!