Tree Forts | Teen Ink

Tree Forts

February 26, 2012
By AlyssaLynn SILVER, Kelowna, Other
AlyssaLynn SILVER, Kelowna, Other
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Find the rythm in your life and celebrate it.&quot; -Robert Bruce Castle<br /> &quot;When you feel the brush of wind on your face, think of me and know I&#039;ll be with you always.&quot; -Robert Bruce Castle

Oh, the tree forts we made
And all the games we would play
I like to remember the day we shared our first embrace
Two hearts brought together by innocence

Times seemed so simple then
No limitations beyond the boundaries of our playpen
A time when we could truly laugh at ourselves
But where are you now?

I remember the days we would spend together
Disregarding the life passing before our eyes
Living in the moment
Blissfully ignorant

But then you turned to me one day
And talked of a new life, a future you wanted to live in
Growing up seemed so wonderful then
But where are you now?

Oh, the tree forts we made
And all the games we would play
I still remember the day we shared our first embrace
Two hearts brought together by innocence

I will never forget your silly smile
And oh, how I wish I could hold you for a while
We weren't careful with the wishes we were granted
And growing up just isn't the same without you

If only I could relive those days
Trade this fame and this age
Just to see your face for a single second in time
And we could ride our memories into the distance

Because age is but a number
And, as my heart remains young, I want nothing more than to disappear with you, my dear
Back before the days when you started to say
I wish we were older

Oh, the tree forts we made
And all the games we would play
I wish I could remember the day we shared our first embrace
Two hearts fooled by innocence

I am haunted by your silly smile
And oh, how I wish I could hold you for a while
I was finally granted the wishes we made
And all I have to say is growing up will never be the same without you

The author's comments:
I wrote this for a friend that commited suicide last year

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