Would Be Traveller | Teen Ink

Would Be Traveller

February 26, 2012
By AlyssaLynn SILVER, Kelowna, Other
AlyssaLynn SILVER, Kelowna, Other
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Find the rythm in your life and celebrate it.&quot; -Robert Bruce Castle<br /> &quot;When you feel the brush of wind on your face, think of me and know I&#039;ll be with you always.&quot; -Robert Bruce Castle

Can you imagine
Lying there in the sun
No roof; no worries
Just the clouds to entertain us as they drift across the sky?

This life that we dream of
Is more than possible
Not too far to reach, just close enough to dream

So, I say we leave, you and me
This town, this world will move on as we bask by the sea
And if only you weren't afraid to run
We could be there now

Well, Honey, you're a would-be traveller
But I love you nonetheless
I'll send you a postcard and you can imagine the silly smile I get
Every time I dream of you here
With me by the sea

The beauty of the water glistens
Like that sparkle in your eye
Tempting me to dive
And swim to wherever you are

But this beach is now my home
And I can only hope you will join me
Because we are more than meant to be

So, let's run away to a place
Where the weather is nice
And the people care to smile
I would do anything to have you here by my side

But, Honey, you're a would-be traveller
And I love you nonetheless
So, I'll send you a postcard and you can imagine the silly smile I get
Every time I dream of you here
With me by the sea

We could live harmoniously
But, Baby, you're a would-be traveller
And I still have the world to see
Will you follow me?

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