My Time | Teen Ink

My Time

March 6, 2012
By blood_Oranges SILVER, San Jose, California
blood_Oranges SILVER, San Jose, California
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." -Wayne Gretzky

Its strange how we can always say what we don't like
But somehow beauty escapes words

Lying is such a natural and easy thing
But telling the truth is not

We can go in circles for hours
Talking about our future and our past
But we have the moments now
So lets make them the best

I want jump off a swing
Think about nothing
Eat chocolate like its water
I want to laugh till I cry
Think that I can fly
Balance on the edge of a street curb

I really don't care what people think of me
Because I'm the opposite of simplicity
And anybody who thinks that's stupid
Isn't worth my time

We can never stop working and hope life gets better
But I wont waste my life not being happy

We can take millions of pictures to remember the happy past
But lets make now the new standard

Friends are here to stay
So make memories with them
Because in the end
Theyll mean the most

I want jump off a swing
Think about nothing
Eat chocolate like its water
I want to laugh till I cry
Think that I can fly
Balance on the edge of a street curb

I really don't care what people think of me
Because I'm the opposite of simplicity
And anybody who thinks that's stupid
Isn't worth my time

I'm not going to fear anybody's gaze
Not gonna break under their eyes
I love who I am, whoever that is
Because I cant be catagorized!

I really don't care what people think of me
Because I'm the opposite of simplicity
And anybody who thinks that's stupid

Should go jump off a swing
Think about nothing
Eat chocolate like its water
Then want to laugh till they cry
Think that they can fly
Balance on the edge of a street curb

Who are you should never be ashamed of
Because who you are is incredible

The author's comments:
I was tired of my problems and I just wanted to imagine a time when I had no problems. When I could just enjoy life and be free of worries.

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