One For Me | Teen Ink

One For Me

March 6, 2012
By blood_Oranges SILVER, San Jose, California
blood_Oranges SILVER, San Jose, California
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." -Wayne Gretzky

There has got to be a reason
For all of the heart break
Maybe its a poison
A drug that the lips make

We can talk for hours
About anything at all
But when we have to be serious
Somethings bound to fall

My mind tells me that your not the one
But my heart races forward
A heart breaking stop and go

I gotta keep going, moving
One step at a time
Believe in who am I and stand for
because its not the world who defines me
As you remind me
You aren't the one for me

I'm sorry I have to say it this way
But I've thought a lot about you
I let my heart race foward
It came back to me in two

I really hate those silly games
They waste my time
But the moments when you answer
I cant control my mind

My mind tells me that your not the one
But I cant stop myself
Taken over, uncontrolled

I gotta keep going, moving
One step at a time
Believe in who am I and stand for
because its not the world who defines me
Its the things I do that will make you see
You're not the one for me

I gave it time
Opened up enough to let you in
But you turned your back me
Now I'm cold within

I sent a note, respond
To my surprise
But nothing else after that
Now you're all I despise

But I gotta keep going, moving
One step at a time
Believe in who am I and stand for
Because I don't need you
I am me, impossible to understand
You're just not the one for me

I gotta keep going, moving
One step at a time
Believe in who am I and stand for
Because I don't need you
I am me, impossible to understand
You're just not the one for me

The author's comments:
I have no idea what this song is about. It more or less expressed me wanting to be confident in myself and to know who I am.

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