The Way | Teen Ink

The Way

March 8, 2012
By Anonymous

You're getting frustrated. Life feels complicated. The day fades to night, turning off the light. The glow of the moon, the sand in the dunes. Night turns to the day, the sun showing the way.
It's the way of the earth. It's the way of life, the way of the world around you. It's the way of everything, the way of finding yourself. The way of finding your dreams.
Feeling a little better. Pain fading under. The flashes of lightning, the marriage binding. Ocean waves are crashing. Families of the dead are crying. Beauty is flying, fires are raging, dimming away.
It's the way of the earth. It's the way of life, the way of the world around you. It's the way of everything, the way of finding yourself. The way of finding your dreams.
The safety of home. The places we belong. The journey's made, the prices we paid. The words left unsaid, the wanted sleeping in a bed. Longing for love, doves flying above. Looking for something, believing you see nothing, but it's the way.
It's the way of the earth. It's the way of life, the way of the world around you. It's the way of everything, the way of finding yourself. The way of finding your dreams.
The way of finding your dreams. The way of finding your dreams. The way of finding your dreams.

The author's comments:
I wrote this because it, sort of, says how things just naturally happen. It says that if you follow the way of things, you'll eventually find yourself and that's something that we all want to find.

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