Scared to be the women I'm destined to be | Teen Ink

Scared to be the women I'm destined to be

April 17, 2012
By Feelings_Unknown BRONZE, Copperas Cove, Texas
Feelings_Unknown BRONZE, Copperas Cove, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The way I feel inside is just too hard to describe
The anger, the fear, the bitterness, with all things far and near
I pray that each course I take may wake me
And each Man i date doesn't break me
I forsake the life I lead today
But I just can't break the life I lead today
The virtue of all things good
Lay beneath me for all things bad
Dwelling on the past
So scared to be harassed and out casted
I start to find pleasure in pain and pain in pleasure
The anger, the fear, the bitterness with all things far and near
I pray that each course I take may wake me
And each man I date doesn't break me
I forsake the life I lead today
As I am scared to become the women I'm destined to be

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem as like a free style. As the emotions flowed through my body, I wrote it on paper.

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