Second Visit Alone | Teen Ink

Second Visit Alone

April 27, 2012
By Cokzian BRONZE, Sparks, Nevada
Cokzian BRONZE, Sparks, Nevada
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Can We Pretend I&#039;m Amazing? <br /> I Can Pretend I&#039;m Amazing<br /> Instead of What We Both Know

My how the times have changed
How this feeling isn't strange

I'm at the park where our connection had grown
Such a huge difference but the biggest is I'm alone

Stories of past personalities, and pain
The tales of which we can never loose or regain.

I swing alone in silence wishing to feel the wind from your swing
I sing alone in loneliness wishing to smile from the way you sing

Memories of us stay in my head
Trails of our walks aren't dead

To walk know you missed bothers my mind
To relive those codependent moments I'd constantly rewind.

The author's comments:
A memory of a girl who slipped through my arms. We met at a park and being there again took me back.

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