Shining | Teen Ink


May 16, 2012
By kc_1890 BRONZE, Greenville, South Carolina
kc_1890 BRONZE, Greenville, South Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

(Intro is music)…
…Whatever may happen always has reason and you coming to me always had a season. Always in my mind always in the shine and when I come I will shine just like you in the night crowd
This, will need to be the one and only time for me and you to sing the night away.
And whenever you come the sun will shine even more, right through the clouds in the sky for you and me
So why will you feel the way that you felt so sad ----- before. Oh the night will bring a figure in the moon as a moth-flies-by…
So whatever peace will bring for me there will always be more time for us. Renewed and new the roads can sing the song that comes to me I write for you and unfulfilled hearts…
This will need to be the one and only time for me and you (to) sing the night away whenever I may come the sun will shine right through the clouds in the sky for you and me.
As a whole there can be such as beauty that will be a found and long lost friend calling west to me to go and find the world to be-----------
Back in the day when we used to play you would always say, I want to go, go until the blue-----cliffs and sand and sea.
Run, run with me calling for you is like a game of chess---------
And this will need to be the one and only time for me and you sing the night away.
And, whenever we get there the sun will be the brightest in the sky without any clouds there>>>>>

The author's comments:
a girl is my inspiration but i just wrote it because i was bored in class.

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