Growing Up Doesn't Bring All The Answers | Teen Ink

Growing Up Doesn't Bring All The Answers

May 17, 2012
By kolmstead17 BRONZE, Frederick, Maryland
kolmstead17 BRONZE, Frederick, Maryland
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Over the years,
The feelings started to fade.
Our relationship grew weak
And all the wrong choices were made.

We had everything,
Everything we could have dreamed of.
We had each other,
And the promise of young love.
But that all slipped away,
As time went on.
The truth reappeared,
That my love for you was never gone.

I remember all the good times,
And all the fights.
I remember all the goodnight kisses,
And the lonely nights.

But now we're older,
And it's easier to see.
The truth that was before us,
That maybe you're not right for me.
I always thought you were the one,
Or maybe I'm not right for you.
But that can't be right,
Because you always said "I love you, too."

This is why our parents said be careful with love,
That we wouldn't know where it came from.
They never told us of the hardships,
Or the trials that would come.

I guess this is me,
Just trying to say "I love you."
But at the same time,
Asking "What should I do?"

The author's comments:
This is a piece I wrote one night while reminiscing about a girl I dated for three years who left me. I was never told why.

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