tower | Teen Ink


May 18, 2012
By lenorapembrook BRONZE, Lawerencville, Georgia
lenorapembrook BRONZE, Lawerencville, Georgia
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
louder than sirens, louder than bells, sweeter than heaven, hotter than hell- keep calm and dftba!!!

I was young, just a girl, when I came to this tower
All full of day-dreams to while the hours
And those hours were whiled and the thicket grew thicker
And outside my spire, all the world, it grew quicker
Often I dreamed as I sat in my window
I’d imagine you riding out over the meadow
How, every morning I would pray for a glimpse
Of the one I had dreamed of, of my, handsome prince
You would ride up, and the world would be brighter
And as I grew older I held to that tighter
Don’t wish on stars, because dreams don’t come true
Who said those stars even care about you?
Planning on dreams will just bring regret
You’re just another for the earth to forget.
I would think up your story, over land, over sea
as I dreamt up a prince and a horse a journey
time spun it’s yarn as I sat on my sill
ignoring the ache of my world going still
in my mind’s eye you just grew more gallant
as the rest of the tower grew even more stagnant
And soon these ideas were worth more to me
Than facing the pain of my reality,
That, my beloved, is where I chose wrong,
I’d dreamt for to long and I couldn’t stay strong.
Don’t wish on stars, because dreams don’t come true
Who said those stars even care about you?
Planning on dreams will just bring regret
You’re just another for the earth to forget.
Days bled together, gray upon gray
And I wanted more than I ever could say
In my mind’s eye you rode up bolder and bolder
But I never considered that I had grown older
I realized that other than dreams, I had nothing
And slowly began to fear of your coming
but sat on my sill as the days became years
And I just dreamt on more to hold back my fears
Don’t wish on stars, because dreams don’t come true
Who said those stars even care about you?
Planning on dreams will just bring regret
You’re just another for the earth to forget.
One day you came, out of the shadows
your armor was dented from valiant battles
This victor of mazes and dragons and dangers
you called out a name that might be a stranger’s
you called up to me for what felt like hours
As I looked in the mirror and my hands shredded flowers
And, I wept then because, for all of my seeming.
This prince found a crone who had drained her life dreaming.
Don’t wish on stars, because dreams don’t come true
Who said those stars even care about you?
Planning on dreams will just bring regret
You’re just another for the earth to forget.
I grew too accustomed to daydreams and glimmers
And I knew not the world where the people are sinners
I had dreamt up a man to whom none could compare
So no, dear prince I won’t let down my hair.
Don’t wish on stars, because dreams don’t come true
Who said those stars even care about you?
Planning on dreams will just bring regret
You’re just another for the earth to forget.

The author's comments:
i worte this as one of the songs in the musical i'm writing, please tell me what you think, of ways to improve!

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