Strong | Teen Ink


June 28, 2012
By Krista77w BRONZE, Blairstown, New Jersey
Krista77w BRONZE, Blairstown, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life isn't about how to survive the storm, it's about learning to dance in the rain <3 -Taylor Swift


I never knew that love was kept hidden,
In special little places you can never seem to find,
And when you're driving through your life,
Till you find a fork in the road,
Then you have to make a choice that could change the rest of your life,
Last time I was driving down that old dirt road,
And opportunity came into play,
I chose to role the dice,
On what I thought was my destiny

Chances come and chances go,
And moments flash by,
In the blink of an eye,
You don't wanna miss out,
On the moments that shape your life,
The good times help you love and care,
While the bad times make you stop and stare,
And think to yourself,
What have I done wrong?
Did I deserve to be treated so cruelly to?
Yet I'll never regret you,
Because before the bad times,
There were good times,
And with all the pain,
You made me strong

You told me I'd be yours forever,
But I guess that only lasted in your mind,
For a little while,
Because before I knew it,
You asked me if I loved you,
I'd tell you everything in my heart,
And yet you never seemed to believe me,
I tried to make it right,
Every second of my life,
Hoping you'd believe,
That what I felt was true,
But you'd just push me away,
Why'd it have to go that way?
Why'd you make it end that way?

Chances come and chances go,
And moments flash by,
In the blink of an eye,
You don't wanna miss out,
On the moments that shape your life,
The good times help you love and care,
While the bad times make you stop and stare,
And think to yourself,
What have I done wrong?
Did I deserve to be treated so cruelly to?
Yet I'll never regret you,
Because before the bad times,
There were good times,
And with all the pain,
You made me strong

Now each night I fall asleep,
Thinking about you,
And I wake up the next morning,
With the same thing on my mind,
I don't know why,
I can't stop dreaming of you,
All I know is there seems to be,
More bad than good,
Memories of you,
But I try to remember,
All the good in my life,
Hoping that way,
It'll all come back one day,
But you hurt me so badly,
I don't think,
It could ever be the same

Chances come and chances go,
And moments flash by,
In the blink of an eye,
You don't wanna miss out,
On the moments that shape your life,
The good times help you love and care,
While the bad times make you stop and stare,
And think to yourself,
What have I done wrong?
Did I deserve to be treated so cruelly to?
Yet I'll never regret you,
Because before the bad times,
There were good times,
And with all the pain,
You made me strong <3

The author's comments:
Heyy :) So this is a song I wrote a long time ago after my first boyfriend broke up with me. It was actually pretty much the first song I've ever written. (That I was proud of at least). So that's why I decided to make this my first article on here! It's pretty much about how in every relationship there's bad times and good times, but in the end, you just have to fight through the pain and it will make you stronger. As Taylor Swift once said, "There are two categories of love: The first category is called a fairy tale. The second category is called just another lesson." For me, my first relationship was a lesson. I learned a lot from it, and I learned how to be strong. So that's why I wrote this, to remind myself and others of the lesson I learned that day, and to always remain strong! <3 Hope you all like it :)

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