Untitled | Teen Ink


June 19, 2012
By Lexie Mochan SILVER, Walworth, New York
Lexie Mochan SILVER, Walworth, New York
6 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Flash them a smile, show them my teeth.
Force back the tears that well inside me.
If it's happy they want, it's a facade they will see.
To them I'll be glad; it's what they want to believe.
But now I'll admit, I have a confession:
Dueling inside me, a secret depression.
A heart that holds hope but a brain with an obsession
To silence my heart with a smothering oppression.

So I'll throw on that mask
I'll hide from the world
That I'm nothing more
Than some sad little girl.
Though I'm plastic and fake
While my tired heart aches
And my hopes of healing fade,
I'm the queen of the masquerade.

I'm losing my faith that life will ever improve.
This melancholy cannot be subdued.
Joy and happiness I continue to exude
While my brain reminds me that it isn't the truth.

So I'll throw on that mask.
I'll hide from the world
That I'm nothing more
Than some sad little girl.
Though I'm plastic and fake
While my tired heart aches
And my hopes of healing fade,
I'm the queen of the masquerade.

I feel like i'm drowning in a bottomless sea.
I wish someone would come rescue me.
I sink deeper and deeper to the bottom of the sea.
Please, will somebody set me free?

Til then I'll throw on that mask.
I'll hide from the world
That I'm nothing more
Than some sad little girl.
Though I'm plastic and fake
While my tired heart aches
And my hopes of healing fade,
I'm the queen of the masquerade.

The author's comments:
I'm not actually depressed, but there are a lot of people that are, and it should be taken seriously.

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