REGRETS. | Teen Ink


August 8, 2012
By XxtrishalaxX BRONZE, Bangalore, Other
XxtrishalaxX BRONZE, Bangalore, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Walking on this empty street,

I realise some things,

The day gloomy,

The sky dull,

Many miseries untold.

I know all the mistakes I made,

Ruining my life with my own hands,

There are somethings that I did wrong,

Something that cannot change,

I'd give my all to do them right.

I pretend to be strong,

Day and night.

I pretend to be,

Someone I'm not.

I pretend that I'm okay with it,

With a smile stuck on my face.

Can't think straight,

Can't bother about life anymore.

Cause the weight of the mistakes,

They're bringing my shoulders down.

Regret courses through my veins ,

And makes me lifeless.

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