A Leaf On A Tree | Teen Ink

A Leaf On A Tree

October 25, 2012
By MichaelaL BRONZE, Dorchester, Massachusetts
MichaelaL BRONZE, Dorchester, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Sunlight Is the Best Disinfectant&quot;- Louis Brandeis<br /> &ldquo;If you don&#039;t stand for something you will fall for anything.&rdquo; <br /> ― Malcolm X<br /> &ldquo;Everybody knows if you are too careful you are so occupied in being careful that you are sure to stumble over something. &rdquo; <br /> ― Gertrude Stein

I am a leaf on a tree,
I sway mighty and young
As the wind flows through me
Still the meaning of life has yet begun
However, the branch holding me has grown weak
Wind whistling through wondrous waters
The rain falls and just happens to leak
Right into the cracked branch, as it alters.
It alters under the weight of life
It all occurs as I thought it would happen
Breaking off fully, my branch and I have taken flight
Crackling, breaking, and finally snapping
My Support is no longer.

I am a leaf on the ground
Dislocated, dislodged, dismissed, and dismembered.
My heart breaks as I look around
Nothing is the same, not as I remember.
I am a leaf on the ground
I cry aloud because I am disintegrating
I hold my breath and hear no sound
Tear drops fall with every breath taken
I realize just how alone I am now
Forever alone, taken over somehow.

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