Thin Air | Teen Ink

Thin Air

October 25, 2012
By Vacio BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Vacio BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

V.1: things are so hard so unforgettable and some things are so predictale but there's reason why i take it all so literal. I strive to see the love and happiness in all families but its covered in lies. little kids layin awake at night wonderin why things never be alright. Things are never as they seem, but that's why we all have the ability to dream.

Bridge: grasping into thin air we reach but cannot touch. Things we wish would go away things that hurt too much.

chorus: i'm reaching for a hand but find nothin but thin air i always had a dream but life isn't always fair. The grass is never greener when your on the other side but the moment you lose hope is the moment you die.

V.2: i can remember the scream and the pain that brought my broken heart into this messed up game. Seems like no matter how hard we try to change everything stays the same. If anything goes wrong your always the one to blame. Don't let them put you down don't hit the ground stand tall you'll make it through it all you'll be making us all proud.

Bridge, chorus.

V.3: Tell them you want to achieve greatness big dreams of going to big places performin in front of thousands on big stages. And thanks to all you haters you've been down in the lowest places. This is the basis of which you been created and i'm just statin while er body else is relatin to what i be sayin but in the end you still stuck here prayin for big changes.

Bridge, chorus.

The author's comments:
About Lifes struggles.. depression.. and life's opsticles..

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