"Where Has the Time Gone?" | Teen Ink

"Where Has the Time Gone?"

October 29, 2012
By Havean41 BRONZE, Elgin, Oklahoma
Havean41 BRONZE, Elgin, Oklahoma
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Where has the time gone?
It doesn't feel like its been that long
I don't know when
I don't know how
But its funny how everything falls apart

Whether God is my witness
or he is my friend
Doesn't really matter I don't want this to end

So tell me, where has the time gone?
Tell me, has it really been this long
Tell me as I write this song

Has it really been that long,
Since you said your farewells
Even after all this time
the pain of your betrayal, still dwells

(Chorus)Where has the time gone?
It doesn't feel like its been that long
I don't know when
I don't know how
But its funny how everything falls apart

Whether God is my witness
or he is my friend
Doesn't really matter I don't want this to end

Even when I'm alone
I can't break my heart of stone
This empty bliss
is something I will never miss

Day by day nothing changes
but now I feel like I am the strangest
I don't know when
I don't know how
but tell me, where has the time gone?

I know I haven't been forgotten
but sometimes I wish I wasn't so rotten
and at times I wish, I was never begotten

At times I want to cut and bleed
but I know I can't
because I have to many hearts to feed

Tell me, where has the love gone?
I feel all alone
as I listen to the endless drone

When did I become the savior,
now I am the one, that stands between
them and the God they have never seen

Now I keep them safe
when you all lose faith

You talk about your morals
and get lost in your quarrels
About all the things that are right or wrong

But as you all argue
you lose your values
The things you based yourself upon

When you judge them
about whether they're gay or straight
I hope you have, accepted your fate
Do you even know, if your heart's okay?

As you get lost in your petty, little fights
I'm out there just trying to save their lives

So when you gather in your circle
and go around and give each other high fives
I hope you know that they might be cutting, with their knives
ending their lives

Words hurt, as I'm sure you all know
They sting, as I'm right here singing
I want to give up, but I can't stop believing
in this God that's supposedly leading

Can you tell me now,
how I became their savior
well its because of your wretched behavior

As God as my witness
or as my friend
I have a message that he asked me to send

We used to believe
that our hearts would be the key
but God! Why can't you all see?
That this isn't the way that life is supposed to be

We aren't the ones that are supposed to judge
I swear! Does God have to give you a nudge?
To love all his children
but even then

You cut them down
and they make no sound!

As God as my witness
or as my friend
I'm not giving up till my message has been sent

When did I become, the voice of reason
leave me to hang, accuse me of treason
I don't care
if God's standing there in the end
because he's given me hearts to mend

He's opened my eyes
and given me his heart
now all I'm asking
is for a little equality,
wrap them in serenity,
and love them for eternity

They are your sisters and your brothers
just like you they all have mothers

I remember a time
where we loved all our siblings
Don't tell me that was all a dream
now tell me where has the time gone?

The author's comments:
I wrote this song for the victims of silent suffering. If one person's eyes are opened then this song has served it's purpose.

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