"Barely Faze" | Teen Ink

"Barely Faze"

October 29, 2012
By Havean41 BRONZE, Elgin, Oklahoma
Havean41 BRONZE, Elgin, Oklahoma
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There are things that I need to say
Things that will barely faze

You know that you bring me down
and I make no sound
But now I can barely breathe

Days like today (x2)
I can barely stand
Now you're messing with my head again
It's getting so hard to breathe again

I like you, but you like him
It's getting underneath my skin
It's happening all over again

I always fall for who I can't have
I'm always that friend
But surely it can only get better

But then, you bring me down
And I make no sound
I just smile politely
You never see right through

I make you laugh till you cry
I pray for you through the night
Now night turns to light
Time to continue the fight

I can't say that it's all bad
Because every day you make me smile
I go right down, but you bring me up
What else can I say

I think too much
and I say too little...
What else can I say

I really like you
What am I supposed to do

So I'll stay right here
Till you ask me to leave again
And even then

I'll stay right here
I won't ever leave
Because I believe
You just need a friend

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