Dreaming | Teen Ink


November 30, 2012
By SnowyOwl BRONZE, Portland, Oregon
SnowyOwl BRONZE, Portland, Oregon
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When everything is wrong,
having a bad day,
look to my dreams and fly in the clouds,
When you are feeling sad
take a little trip
to a place in my memories

I'm dreaming of a place
where happiness grows on trees
and the flowers are joy
I'm dreaming of a place
where I can fly
and not be stuck on the ground

Can't get out of bed,
too much homework
I just can't stand everything
in the world
Wishing for place
not depressing
in this world

I'm dreaming of a place
where happiness grows on trees
and the flowers are joy
I'm dreaming of a place
where I can fly
and not be stuck on the ground

Thanks to dreaming
everything is better
it gives me hope
when I am sad
It changes your life

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