So Suddenly | Teen Ink

So Suddenly

December 12, 2012
By sydgrace BRONZE, McDonough, Georgia
sydgrace BRONZE, McDonough, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Looking back now, that day had been pretty good.
Nothing happening any different than the way it should.
It’s those kinds of days when you think everything’s just fine
That a phone call comes and changes your whole life.

How do you get through something like this
When there’s nothing to say,
All you can do is miss and pray.
And what do you do with all of the love
That you had for the one who had to go
So suddenly.

Flying over, I saw family and strangers.
Friends of hers I never got to know.
Living far away didn’t make it ant easier,
It just makes me think of all the things we could’ve done together.

How do you get through something like this
When there’s nothing to say,
All you can do is miss and pray.
And what do you do with all of the love
That you had for the one who had to go
So suddenly.

Sixteen years was just too young, there’s no doubt about it.
It leaves us paralyzed for too long.
But knowing that she’s with Him livin’ with no pain or regrets.
Makes me realize I’m only cryin’ for myself.

How do you get through something like this
When there’s nothing to say,
All you can do is miss and pray.
And what do you do with all of the love
That you had for the one who had to go
So suddenly.
So suddenly.

Maybe if I try to keep the memories alive,
I won’t really ever have to say goodbye.

The author's comments:
This song was written for my cousin Alex, who was killed in a car accident in July of 2011. It is about how everyone reacted and how everyone is still coping with a loss a tragic as hers.

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