My Boyfriend my love | Teen Ink

My Boyfriend my love

January 4, 2013
By poetryislife4 BRONZE, Ulysses, Kansas
poetryislife4 BRONZE, Ulysses, Kansas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
My favorite personal quote is life is what you make of it you can make it a bad day or you can make it a good day but what you make it is how that day will result in the out coming of the day.

my life changed after i met you, you brought love and sweetness and passion to my life and that was something that i thought that i would never have considering what we both have been through. you have changed me in to someone that i never thought that i could become and for that i thank you and love you with all of my heart and that love that burns inside me will never die down and that is a promise. I LOVE YOU.

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