We Lived in a Magical World | Teen Ink

We Lived in a Magical World

January 10, 2013
By Anonymous

“ I live my life by the moon: If it’s high play it low, if it’s harvest go slow, and if it’s full, then go”

Excitement was all I ever knew with them.
Midnight McHenry runs, flying cars in the starry sky, daily Douglindberg gatherings, and accidently stealing boats.
Everyday was new; everyday was played by ear.

“I’m running, I’m running, catch up with me life”

Nothing stopped us, and we made sure to enjoy each other’s company every day we could.
I hear the “Boat” speed by my window at nine in the morning as I chuckled to myself, knowing that one of them would pick me up in 5 minutes, no phone call or reminder needed.
Some days, it was driving, just driving to follow the light pink and orange sunset.
Constantly seeking any type of thrill, we were always on the move.

“But after midnight, morning will come”

Arriving at McHenry at exactly midnight, we looked forward to a night full of goofiness, singing around a bonfire, and laughter.
I had never felt so grateful as I did when we all sat on the dock together,
gazing at the sky transforming from pitch black, to light purple, and then a breath-taking orange-yellow.

“Not everything in this magical world is quite what it seems”

We grew up and realized we couldn’t keep going forever.
But I still smile and laugh to myself, occasionally searching for another adventure.

The author's comments:
Those 2 years of my life will never be forgotten. I had never felt so secure within those friendships, and even though were not all the best of friends anymore, I'm happy I can still spend time with them occasionally and keep them and those memories in my life.
This is also dedicated to our dear friend, William Cole Deacon, who we were lucky enough to spend those times with. Forever in our hearts buddy.

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