Harry Potter, My childhood | Teen Ink

Harry Potter, My childhood

March 5, 2013
By Anonymous

Your childhood is the most important part of your life.
It's the first memories you have,
It's when you show your fears,
It's when you learn life lessons
When your a child things grow on you...
Things that will stick with you throughout your life.
You have that one thing you ca go to,
escape to,
escape from all pain,
the stress
Harry Potter
What is it?
It is a memory
my memory
My escape
many know the words
but hardly any know the meaning
all I have o do is press play
turn another page
and I am off,
to another world
to another land
it is my childhood
it may seem childish
But you will never
know what it truly is to me
my childhood
my lesson
it taught me
life may be difficult
life may get hard
but there are people that love you
and it gets better...
and I have to thank Harry Potter
and J.K Rowling for that lesson

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