Earth and Sky | Teen Ink

Earth and Sky

March 15, 2013
By Grimdron SILVER, Beaufort, South Carolina
Grimdron SILVER, Beaufort, South Carolina
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a time,
Before Earth knew Sky.
Sky was lonely and without a sign
of happiness, and she would cry.

She stumbled upon Earth.
He tried his best to make her happy.
Succeeding in a rebirth
of her smile, he sought out to see
her even more joyful.
He gave her a gift, the best one of them all.
He gave her a piece of him, the moon, that would pull
the tides of his heart, and never fall.

Where earth meets sky.
As far as the eye
can see.
Where the trees
can grab the stars.
As we watch from afar..
I love you to the moon and back.
I hope you know that.
'Cause it's true,
just like the sky is blue.
You know roses are red..
But don't you forget what's been said.

Look in that mirror there.
Do you see what I see?
Smile without fear,
Because you should be free.
Free from all these chains.
They try to hold you down,
But there's something in your veins
that keeps you going, an unknown sound.

Break away! Escape to Sky!
Earth will help you get there.
Just go and fly!
Don't show your fear!

Where earth meets sky.
As far as the eye
can see.
Where the trees
can grab the stars.
As we watch from afar..
I love you to the moon and back.
I hope you know that.
'Cause it's true,
just like the sky is blue.
You know roses are red..
But don't you forget what's been said.

You know you need to get away.
Let the stars guide you.
You know you want to leave.
Let the ground support you.
Don't stop to question.
Just trust your direction!

'Cause you know
Where Earth meets Sky.
You'll find me there.
Bleed two in one flow.
Then you can fly.
No more fear.

Where earth meets sky.
As far as the eye
can see.
Where the trees
can grab the stars.
As we watch from afar..
I love you to the moon and back.
I hope you know that.
'Cause it's true,
just like the sky is blue.
You know roses are red..
But don't you forget what's been said.

Once upon a time...
When Earth met Sky..

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