Rough times | Teen Ink

Rough times

March 14, 2013
By TheycallmeJay BRONZE, NyC, Mississippi
TheycallmeJay BRONZE, NyC, Mississippi
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Jays back!

Rough times:

Verse 1:

Hu-hello people imma tell ya all something
I hope u realise wat ur doin and where your goin
You may be good now outta it and safe
But u and i both know we've all had those days
Those days where we had lives
Lives that all went wrong
Couldnt help it
was no longer a bird song
And i know
i know it is tough
Depends where ur at
u livin life rough?
Every one's done it and deny it all you want
but deep inside of you,you know....

I regret I regret everything i did
Ill say sorry even get down on my knees
But that dont take me to the past
Where ive lived
Why oh why whyyyyyyyy did i do this...

Verse 2:
I was younger i didnt know
I didnt realise the places i could go
I didnt notice all the things that i was doing
Its hard to get forget you know it too and,
I do regret dont get me wrong
I knew it all along
Where i was at
Was the wrong way
But i am sorry at the end of the day
God please forgive me,
Wish i could go back in time
To that place where I
I lived normal change everthing i did
Let me tell you,tell you what THIS is....


I regret I regret everything i did
Ill say sorry even get down on my knees
But that dont take me to the past
Where ive lived
Why oh why whyyyyyyyy did i do this...

If i could get,i could get a time machine
I would change all of the bad life of me
I would rid ,I would rid
All i had to see
That I, I decided to be


SO thats all
Just remember
Imma be here from Jan to December

I hope you realised
And said your sorrows
Because you dont know
dont know what happens tomorrow...

Jay out PEACE!

The author's comments:
I have been through rough times...and i regret it all...if you have too read this and comment on about what YOUR regrets are!

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This article has 1 comment.

Emogirl said...
on Mar. 29 2013 at 1:33 am
Omg I love it. I've been through rough times to. I write too. I don't have and acount.