our generation | Teen Ink

our generation

April 5, 2013
By sirena BRONZE, Federal Hieghts, Colorado
sirena BRONZE, Federal Hieghts, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
i dont think your beautiful . i think your beyond it <br /> -lil wayne-

Verse # 1
The walls stare me down
School has lost its purpose
Learning and success are no longer our focus
School is so stupid and suffocating,
We guide our lives by peer pressure and popularity

Their eyes stare
Their eyes judge me,
It’s so penetrating that it cuts me

Verse # 2
My life is a constant battle,
People are like animals fighting all day long
Lions looking for the weakest link to devour

Their eyes stare,
Their eyes judge me,
So penetrating that it cuts me

Verse # 3
I’m seeking for survival!
Peer pressure, addiction depression
Is suicide my only option?
But yet my life passes as slow as tick-tock

Their eyes stare,
Their eyes judge me,
It’s so penetrating that it cuts me

Verse # 4
I will not accept this violent and perverted generation
We are the future of this nation!!!

The author's comments:
This peice is about what school and people have come to in this gerneration

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