Undecided | Teen Ink


April 11, 2013
By TajiraH. GOLD, Piscataway, New Jersey
TajiraH. GOLD, Piscataway, New Jersey
14 articles 1 photo 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Don't wait for something to happen, if u want it to happen make it happen-ME

can you understand?
how you make me feel
do you understand?
i know this love is real

got me up against the wall
i try to hide it
but it seems no good at all
when you're undecided

and heyy when you left me all alone
i knew nothing else
you had stood by my side

but now i know how you really are so im counted down to one as

this wrecking ball smashes my heart
the one thats hurting is me
you say it's all my fault
but you're undecided

I creep and crawl on the ground
not making a sound
as i pour out in tears
how you make me feel

got me up against the wall
i try to hide it
but it seems no good at all
when you're undecided

uhoh uhohh when you're undecided
ooowee oooo ooowee oooo uh ohh when you're undecided

can you understand?
how you make me feel
do you understand?
i know this love is real

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