Say Goodbye | Teen Ink

Say Goodbye

April 22, 2013
By eaysse SILVER, Johns Island, South Carolina
eaysse SILVER, Johns Island, South Carolina
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Not a good enough reason to use the word &#039;penetrate&#039;&quot;<br /> -Fat Amy Pitch Perfect

Verse 1
It’s been a long time since I’ve been ‘round here.
Old faces, old places flood through my mind.
Can’t believe I’m ready to go.
But, I am ready to leave.
Gotta get out of this town
Gonna get a new life.
Say good-bye to this old city.
Oh, do I know it’s gonna miss me.
Gotta say good-bye to this place,
No way am I leaving without a trace.
Woah—say good-bye.
No last wishes, no regrets
Just saying good-bye.
Verse 2
Old flames running around this town,
Tryin’ to get me back,
Yet, all I want to do is run away.
Gotta get out of this town
Gonna get a new life
Say good-bye to this old city.
Oh, do I know it’s gonna miss me.
Gotta say good-bye to this place,
No way am I leaving without a trace.
Woah—say good-bye.
No last wishes, no regrets
Just saying good-bye.
Though I want to leave with all my heart,
I know this town made me.
I’m gonna miss it
But I know it’s my time to go
And I am ready to leave.
Say good-bye to this old city.
Oh, do I know it’s gonna miss me.
Gotta say good-bye to this place,
No way am I leaving without a trace.
Woah—say good-bye.
No last wishes, no regrets
Just saying good-bye.

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