Simpler Times | Teen Ink

Simpler Times

May 13, 2013
By Anonymous

Verse 1
She's just a girl and he's just a man. A man with a narrow mind and calloused hands. His matter are only a few and her stress is weighing down. She can only cry on a cue because he won't let her frown.

Cause robins sing and children bring new life to what we see. And no one made you drink your beer or told you not to breathe. Let's go back to a simpler time.

Verse 2
It's common there, but new to me. It's not that easy to let her be. People look but I'm the only one who watches. You can read her story through her hazel gray blotches.


Verse 3
He will learn what she already has, accept that difference isn't bad. Every time he raised his voice it cut her thickened skin, and even the hardest, calloused mind, will change from what's within.

The author's comments:
I wrote this for my creative writing class, I have never really written any kind of poetry before. but this song is about my girl friend and her dad, he doesn't disapprove of us or anything but frankly he is a jerk to her when I'm not there. its not physical abuse, but he is a very strict army Sargent.

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