You'll get judged | Teen Ink

You'll get judged

May 16, 2013
By christinajjack BRONZE, Lexington, Kentucky
christinajjack BRONZE, Lexington, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You'll get judged
Boy you'll get judged
What are you doing?
What were you thinking
putting on those clothes?
They're filthy,trashy
everyone knows.

It's absurd to express yourself
But cool to be fake
where everyone is alike
and the majority is two-faced
Oh,your ribs protrude and
your wrists are cut?
That's disgusting and weird,
you can't sit with us.

If you look in the mirror
and start hating what you see,
You can experience up close
what it's like to be me.
But don't be scared, they're not all cruel
That's just a brief summary on your typical high school.

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