Fragile | Teen Ink


May 17, 2013
By moonlight-shining BRONZE, Hong Kong, Other
moonlight-shining BRONZE, Hong Kong, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you truly love something, let it go. If it doesn't return, it was never ours to begin with.

It was a hot summer day,
Sipping coffee with you, ordering takeaway.
She had to walk by, her twinkling eyes shimmer.
A breeze in the air, taking you with her.

The other day I met you in the cafe.
That’s when I notice her sitting a few tables away.
You held me at arm’s length,
Your eyes holding something words could never describe.

Look me in the eye
And say 'I love you'.
But in the deep turmoils in my heart,
I know you couldn't.

I should've known you couldn't,
Should've given up a long time ago.
I couldn't stay away from you long enough,
And that's what breaks my heart.

She was a magnet, a magnet for every you.
Leaving every me behind in her wake.
She, embracing her victory, showering in the glory.
While I lock myself in my bedroom every night.

I saw her more, a figure outshining other.
And you a few meters away, staring at her.
Her, a friend you thought you knew.
Not me, the one there for you since forever.

Look me in the eye
And say 'I love you'.
But in the deep turmoils in my heart,
I know you couldn't.

I should've known you couldn't,
Should've given up a long time ago.
I couldn't stay away from you long enough,
And that's what breaks my heart.

Look me in the eye
And say 'I love you'.
But in the deep turmoils in my heart,
I know you couldn't.

I should've known you couldn't,
Should've given up a long time ago.
I couldn't stay away from you long enough,
And that's what breaks my heart.

I know your heart belongs to her.
I know her heart belongs to another.
I wanted to spare you from the hurt.
But that would mean exposing myself to my scars.

The author's comments:
Drowning in the world, suffering from unrequited love. A girl, falling into the depths of the reality, her last ditch attempt to climb back up.

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This article has 1 comment.

HammadWaseem said...
on Jun. 29 2013 at 11:45 am
HammadWaseem, Lahore, Other
0 articles 5 photos 283 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be proud of who you are.<br /> -Eminem<br /> <br /> You can&#039;t see me<br /> -John Cena<br /> <br /> Ooh, somebody stop me!<br /> -Mask

wow! it's awesome, keep it up.Will you rate and comment on my video work "the unbeatable breakdancer"?