You're Not Suppose To | Teen Ink

You're Not Suppose To

May 31, 2013
By kdnorton1997 BRONZE, Gordonsville, Virginia
kdnorton1997 BRONZE, Gordonsville, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was just another day,
Nothing that was memorable,
And then you came in,
And made it unforgettable;

I hadn't said a thing to you,
But that didn't stop the things you always do,
You called me out,
And words were thrown;
I tried not to cry,
While your true colors were shown;

You're not supposed to make me cry,
Making me deal with the hand I'm dealt;
Because you don't know how it felt,
To slowly die inside;
You should have never lied to me;
Don't tell me what you think I see,
Because I don't wanna listen to you...
You're not suppose to!

You're no good for me,
And I know it to;
But I still stick around,
Hoping that there is more
To you

But I couldn't be wronger,
Dealing with you makes me stronger;
You probably don't regret
And I'm never going to forget,
All the times that I tell,
The story of me
Going through a living hell...

I'm gonna stand up strong,
And not fight back;
'Cause this is the place where I belong
I'm not going to make myself regret,
Because I know I'm better than that;

You're not supposed to make me cry,
Making me deal with the hand I'm dealt;
Because you don't know how it felt,
To slowly die inside;
You should have never lied to me;
Don't tell me what you think I see,
Because I don't wanna listen to you...
You're not suppose to!

Oh, keep away!
Keep your distance from me!
Always remember what you've done,
Remember that we've all seen,
The things you're not supposed to...

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