Piper | Teen Ink


July 30, 2013
By Laxbro22 BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
Laxbro22 BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds - Albert Einstein

Wrapping paper, Gas Vapor, Who was told to pay the piper

Yet telling him he’s such a fighter

As mean as a provoked viper

Depression burning his flame

that flame that burns in us all

His flame had shown us not his shame

The flame perched on an Emergency room door

His pride lying on the floor

Not being able to look at his own shadow

his mind so corrupt

compressing his feelings hoping they won't erupt

his patience running out

his peers showing such doubt

how could they not

their patience was out

Trying not to be shunned

trying to remember to stay true

God knew his chips were down

he no longer wore his prized crown

No one knew his mind had not yet been explored

The passion of sound

the international language of anything found

when push comes to shove from the great sound of the above

trying to sketch his thoughts on paper

Glancing at this deceiving world

the world that kept him from telling why he had patterns on his wrist

clenching that fist turning hot red he can’t go to bed

commercial sec-rets pushing on national re-grets
he no longer wore his prized crown

No one knew his mind had not yet been explored

The passion of sound

the international language of anything found

when push comes to shove from the great sound of the above

trying to sketch his thoughts on paper

Glancing at this deceiving world

the world that kept him from telling why he had patterns on his wrist

clenching that fist turning hot red he can’t go to bed

commercial sec-rets pushing on national re-grets

Wrapping paper, gas vapor, who was told to pay the piper

back to the drawing board that has always deceived those have used it

tried to abuse it yet had gotten caught in their deceiving ways

starting over from the beginning is harder than it looks

all of these tempting hooks for these kids who don't want to read these books

Just say no is the Reagan way, please Mr. Reagan explain why those kids aren't here today


I guess Intentions can get you only so far right

so far out of our sight but not touching the right height

actions are what consume your thoughts

so conflicted with my doings, my doings that shove me to believe they were originally just thoughts

nomadder the capacity of my strang

looking at my gage

feeling stuck in my expectations cage hoping one day i’ll be standing on that stage

learning to just turn the page

Mr. King had a dream that had awakened America from its nightmare

knowing that this would just be a premier of others actions

Bold words in captions while reading the morning blog sipping on a cup of Joe

We as a nation will soon clear this hateful soil with this mighty hoe

The author's comments:
I just at down and wrote this about a lot of today's issues and topics that are controversial and I hope that people just feel something when reading it.

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