Rain Soaked Fool | Teen Ink

Rain Soaked Fool

November 5, 2013
By MissMissingSoul BRONZE, South Jordan, Utah
MissMissingSoul BRONZE, South Jordan, Utah
3 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Salt Water is the cure for everything; whether it be sweat, tears, or the sea <br /> &lt;3

I am standing here, back against the world
Rain mixing with the salt water on my cheeks
Rosy red, stained with the pain.
I hadn’t planned on getting attached,
Which is probably why it hurt so bad when you pushed me away.
Why do you do that?
Why do you push away anyone who could possibly care?
I guess I was the fool for thinking I was different.
I was the fool for thinking I could change your ways.
[CHORUS: But I knew what this was from the start
But that didn’t stop me from hoping,
Didn’t stop my heart from skipping a beat
When you kissed me
Or held me as we looked at the stars
Yet now here I stand, alone in the world,
A rain soaked fool (A rain soaked fool)]
Can you blame my brain, can you blame my heart,
Can you blame my wild emotions tearing me apart?
You claimed not to be ‘one of those guys’
You filled my head with empty words
I was perfect
I was beautiful
I was your girl
Come to find they were all just lies
Now I’m just a girl to add to the books
A chess piece to kick off the never ending board
Go back to your games
Go back to your reality
Go grab your guitar and write a damn song

For this rain soaked fool just watched you fade away
A storm never seemed so long.

The author's comments:
Just another one of those broken hearts.

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