Wind Song | Teen Ink

Wind Song

November 7, 2013
By Carrots123 BRONZE, Baltimore, Maryland
Carrots123 BRONZE, Baltimore, Maryland
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I could be happy,
How would I know?
I'm numb from frozen snow
It's been the longest week
Who knows anymore I feel so bleak

The wind hits my face
Snaps me back to the cold hard real world
I could be gone without a trace
Remembered as a little girl

Direct me to where you feel is right
Free my soul from pain tonight
If my world is torn apart
Be the one who heals my heart
So maybe one day I can know
Why the air blows around so

Spinning around in the street
My heart never skips a beat
If my whole life falls apart
Remind me to run from the dark

If I am not controlled
By the young or by the old
Then pick me up and save me now
Tell me where to go

Direct me to where you feel is right
Free my soul from pain tonight
If my world is torn apart
Be the one that heals my heart
So maybe one day I can know
Why the air blows around so

The author's comments:
I wrote this song one night when I was feeling so alone and wishing to be warmed by somebody's love.

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