This Is The End | Teen Ink

This Is The End

December 3, 2013
By _King_Taco_ BRONZE, Paris, Tennessee
_King_Taco_ BRONZE, Paris, Tennessee
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be Brave.

It's been a long time coming. This world has crashed and burned. Our fate is sealed, layed out before us like rocks in a tomb. They say the gate to Hell isn't far from here, but Heaven is everywhere. Death in the air like a cake of rain. We're all gone. It's over. We're too far lost now. Trust me when I say to you my friend, this is the end. The blades carved deep into our souls. Scars the markings of our lives. We have been destroyed far too many times. The blood has shed over our hearts. I shall not speak of the death to come. Just listen to me. Trust me when I tell you this my friend, this is the end. Our time has come. I promised you everything. You believed me. Now our time has come. I loved you, but sorry. You're too far gone my friend. This is the end. And now, I've gone insane. So raise my hand from the blade of blood. I'm dying from the inside out. I feel the soul tearing from my core. My mind lost. I'm insane. The life has left my eyes. Shadows dance as I falter. Losing everything is all too much. The pain is unbearable. Stinging wrists as the blood runs stale. I breathe my last words, lost like the thunder. This is the end.

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this just from a few things that has happened in my life or that I've witnessed happening.

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