song - don't say good bye | Teen Ink

song - don't say good bye

December 17, 2013
By alex yarn BRONZE, Leesburg, Florida
alex yarn BRONZE, Leesburg, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

my heart is like a piece of glass
if it falls
there's no getting it back again
if you knew me by now
you'd understand how

I fought through this so long
I've built up all these walls
but yet
they say I was so strong
they didn't know me long

I'm a little girl inside this body
cryin out
can anybody here me
or can they even see
if I'm in here and their out there

then really let's be serious

they don't know me like I know me
alone here in this world cuz

I fought through this so long
I built up all these walls
but yet
they say I'm still so strong
they didn't know me long

I'm a little girl inside this body
crying out
can anybody here me
or can they even see
this little girl inside this body

by they name of fr-ee

The author's comments:
this shows they may not know you but they know about you and they know what you can do

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