Seasonal Opposites (Litany/Bill Collins) | Teen Ink

Seasonal Opposites (Litany/Bill Collins)

January 14, 2014
By Catherine Daniels BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
Catherine Daniels BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You are the pureness of winter,
the temperature summer.
You are are the color of snow,
the appearance of light.
You are the smell of fresh grass,
the clear skies at night

However, you are not the blizzard at the door,
the reason animals sleep.
Nor are you the mosquitoes that fly,
or the extreme heat.

It is possible that you are reason for the couples in cold,
but not even close for the break ups in the heat.

If so, it might surprise you that I am the spring that follows you,
and the autumn that is before you.
I am the cause of sweaters
and the unpredictable rain.

I am also the warm colors of red, brown, and orange
but still can be the life of flowers
But don't worry, I am not the color of snow.
You are the color of snow.
You will always be the color of snow
not to mention the pureness of winter
And -somehow- the temperature of summer.

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