I'm Done | Teen Ink

I'm Done

January 16, 2014
By mariahmorton BRONZE, Bristol, Tennessee
mariahmorton BRONZE, Bristol, Tennessee
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Too be, or not too be? That is the question.

Verse 1:
You lied you played, you gave up everything.
You made a mistake and now I'm walking away.
You begged, you pleaded for a second chance, but baby I'm all out of regrets.
I hope you realize when it's too late, all the mistakes you ever made.
I'm done, so done, with all the lies, cause baby I tried.

Is it easy for me to say goodbye,is it easy for me to wonder why,is it easy for me to walk out of your life? You better think twice.

Verse 2:
I don't care what you say, baby it was all a game. Now ya feelin stupid wondering why, thinkin of all those good times.
All the memories we made, all the love that I gave.
Sorry it's too late, I ain't coming back, no way. No way, no way!!

Is it easy for me to say goodbye,is it easy for me to wonder why,is it easy for me to walk out of your life? You better think twice.

Verse 3:
Everyone tried to tell me, that you were no good.
But I didn't listen to them, because I thought you were the one. You thought you had me wrapped around ya finger, you never thought it'd come to this, you'd thought I'd stay forever.....
But baby watch this!

Is it easy for me to say goodbye,is it easy for me to wonder why,is it easy for me to walk out of your life? You better think twice.

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