Behind Glass Doors | Teen Ink

Behind Glass Doors

March 8, 2014
By Amanda Wilder BRONZE, Centralia, Washington
Amanda Wilder BRONZE, Centralia, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Tranquility and fragility
the world, without a trace
For we only see it through open, clear eyes
The unveiled, perfect face.

How many times have you seen it, I ask,
as the shutter opens, just to close
“Thousands and thousands and thousands of times”,
he says, with simple prose.

But really? Really? Have you seen it?
I’m thinking to myself
Or do you just watch everything
through glass bought from a shelf

I know this man’s been shooting
longer than I’ve been here on earth,
but still, can he not see,
what I’ve noticed since my birth?

We see, observe and watch it,
a world we can’t call our own,
but we do not love it, just capture it
and take it to produce clones.

A perfect carbon copy,
It’s original just in the way
of seeing moon landings on TV.

So obsessed we are with pictures,
we cannot take the camera away,
and the splendor bursting out the seams
is forever kept at bay.

We must put the camera down, you see,
or we shall never tear away our veil
The only thing we leave on Earth
Is a picture ridden trail.

Can you see what I can see?
I ask, hoping he’s shaken to his core,
but he will not see, until the camera is gone,
the perfection behind his closed glass door.

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This article has 1 comment.

astroski said...
on Mar. 14 2014 at 1:49 pm
astroski, Tafton, Pennsylvania
0 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
You don't know what you don't know- Harland Williams

Its like peeling back the layers on perfection; only to find something different but more beutious