Guess I Shoulda Been | Teen Ink

Guess I Shoulda Been

March 19, 2014
By CountryGal1057 SILVER, Simcoe, Other
CountryGal1057 SILVER, Simcoe, Other
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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The Show must go… All over the place or something.'Cory Monteith' 1998-2013

I see the skinny girls,
with all the pretty boys.
That will never be me.
Guess I shoulda been skinnier.

I see the pretty girls,
on all the magazines.
That will never be me.
Guess I should've been prettier.

I see the smart girls,
going to all the big schools.
That will never be me.
Guess I shoulda been smarter.

I see everybody,
where they belong.
They know where they 'fit',
nothing will ever go wrong.

I see me,
Fat & unwanted,
tormented all day.
Haven't they got what they've wanted?!

Guess I should've been ... Better.

I see some girls,
Working all day.
sweating and tired,
they've still got minimum pay.

Is this what we've got to give,
for the girls who don't fit in?
For the ones who didn't get the guy?
For the ones who aren't on the magazines?
For the ones who didn't go to the schools?
For the ones who wanted everything to end,
but held on to a tiny sliver of hope?

We wanted to be skinnier,
We wanted to be prettier,
We wanted to be smarter,
We guessed we shoulda been...
We guessed we shoulda been...
We guessed, we shoulda been...

The author's comments:
Random. Have gutar chords.

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